DIY Aquarium Stand

Monday, September 7, 2009
I purchased this 32 G Oceanic column aquarium from a fellow hobbist.  It has odd dimensions, 20Lx18Wx18H. It came with a glass top and a single flourscent light strip.  For weeks, I looked around to locate a stand for it.  Choices were limited, due to the odd dimensions.  So, I  thought, maybe we can make one.  I did some google research and with some help from my husband, this is what we came up with.

Keep in mind, I am not a wood worker. Neither is my husband. This is my first ever wood-making job.  We had limited wood-cutting-materials, which is probably a good thing, since I've never used any before. 

It's important for me that this stand be:  1. inexpensive and 2. easy.

I found this:
The idea is that all colors are the same length/width. 
So I go out to Lowes and get the necessary amount of 2x4s, screws and nails.  My husband showed me how to use the jigsaw, and I started cutting, nailing and gluing.

It's very sloppy and ugly up close.  I'm sure even the most everyday Joe with an eye, can see a ton of problems and issues, but I feel it will work perfectly for what I need.

We had some home remodeling done a few months ago and he worker's left a large  piece of 5/8 cherry plywood panelling stuff. If I didn't already have that, I probably would have just bought a stand and been done with it.
So, I cut the plywood panelling stuff and nailed the pieces to the 2x4s.  I cut a hole out in the front, for the door and I left the back completly open, and didn't bother covering the 2x4s.  I also cut a piece of plywood for the base of the inside.  This is to put filters and other aquarium items that are needed.


embieadoptmom said...

I tried to leave a comment on your other blog and it wouldn't let me! We are doing and embryo adoption right now! We started the process in May and adopted our embies through I am having my FET on Octyober 22nd. I have many other embryo adoption blogs on my side bar. Best to you on this journey! Embryo adoption is a beautiful thing!

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